Our HistoryIn the Spring of 1922, four men, Rev. John Whitney, Rev. Laurence Cornwall, Rev. John Williams, and Dr. M.T. Shelford asked God for the land on which Odosagih Bible Conference now stands. The four men knelt by a tree stump and claimed the promise of Jeremiah 33:3, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Today a plaque stands marking the spot where the men humbled themselves and prayed.

They asked the Lord to establish a Bible Conference, a meeting place that would accommodate spiritual gatherings and the preaching of the Word of God. In 1926 an offer to purchase the property from the Webster Ice Company was refused. But the Lord heard their prayers and in 1927 the land was able to be purchased for $12,000 from Webster Ice. A year later they bought the old dance hall for $950, which they had been leasingto use as a tabernacle. God blessed them and answered their prayers as attendance at the meetings increased.

The Seneca Indians called Lime Lake, "Odosagih", which means "fresh, pure, living waters". As Lime Lake is a spring-fed lake, it was the perfect name for the new Bible Conference which had grown from a former dance hall to a Tabernacle on picturesque Lime Lake in Machias, NY.

January 19, 1928, marked the first payment of $4000 for what was becoming a real conference grounds. During the summer of 1937, the last obligation against the property was discharged. In 1949, the Ladies' Boosters organization was formed. Its fourfold purpose is prayer, promotion, participation, and provision. Through spring and fall retreats, summer luncheons and meetings this group maintains a strong support interest in OBC. Their ministry to women through VIRGINIA'S TREASURES GIFT SHOP & BOOKSTORE, music and speakers provide invaluable support.

During the next decades buildings, such as Beth Haven, were bought from the county and placed on the property. A trailer camp park was laid out and constructed providing spaces for RV's and campers to locate on the grounds. Over the years Odosagih has seen countless renovations, enlargements, additions and updates. Adjacent properties on both sides of Hazelmere Avenue have been purchased for housing for staff members.

The ministry of Odosagih Bible Conference continues today as a testament to the faithfulness of God through the decades. A place where God is honored, and His Word is shared through preaching and the ministry of music.

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